Lessons from an Immigrant Data Leader Geeta Pyne — Chief Enterprise Architect @ Intuit

TIP Co. (The Immigrant Project)
3 min readJun 19, 2021


A leader guides her team to achieve a common goal. It is someone who people look up to, in times of joy, during the daily mundanities, and especially during crisis — for support, strength, and inspiration.

To be a leader is not easy by any shot. It is not impossible either. Leadership is simply a quality that asks of a person the same price any other desirable object of worth demands — hard work.

Admittedly, there are a few individuals who are naturally inclined to have good leadership skills, but leadership still remains a skill that anyone can learn. It is also one of the most sought-after qualities when hiring and growing within any organization.

Inspired by the Immigrant Masterclass session by Geeta Pyne, we have compiled a list of leadership lessons that might help you leave a mark as an IMMIGRANT leader in your workplace.

Understand how your teammates are within the team.

As an immigrant, you need to take an extra step keenly observe, and empathize to understand and connect to your team. Understanding the strengths and weaknesses of each and every team member is important to guide them to solve any problems in the most efficient manner.

Understanding the team member, understanding which phase of the career they are in, and how one member synergizes with the rest of the others is crucial. We are hoping 1+1 > 2.

Focus Focus Focus.

Reading books like Free to Focus: A Total Productivity System to Achieve More by Doing Less helps you narrow down what not to focus on and how not to solve everything, but the three things you can control and three things you absolutely should control at this point in your life.

Narrow down what not to focus on and how not to solve everything, but the three things you can control and three things you absolutely should control at this point in your life.

Give representation to everyone.

Representation runs deeper than simply ensuring that different classes of people make up the team. It means to ensure that each and every person is given a voice to speak. However, equal representation does not always translate to everyone feeling to be a part of the team. People are complex and the nuances of every individual’s personality should be taken into consideration to ensure that each and every person is given the resources and the encouragement to step up and freely express themselves.

Representation runs deeper than simply ensuring that different classes of people make up the team. It means to ensure that each and every person is given a voice to speak

Build a collaborative attitude.

It is up to the leader to ensure the seamless functioning of a team. Not only should a leader strive to create a conducive environment to work in, but it should be an environment of growth, inspiration, mutual understanding, and most importantly, respect for each other.

Understand your organization

You are the medium between your organization and your team. Ensure that the transfer of information between the two parties is most efficient. It also falls on you to understand your organization and to work within any limitations while ensuring that your team works seamlessly. How do you do it? Reading Satya Nadella’s Hit Refresh might give you a few ideas!

Remember that being a good leader takes time. It is a skill and like any other skill, it requires practice, patience, planning, and perseverance.

This blog post was inspired by The Immigrant Masterclass session by Geeta Pyne — Chief Enterprise Architect @ Intuit, and ex -Sr. Director @ Veritas Technologies and VMware.

What does it take to be an Immigrant Data Leader? What crucial steps and risks might lead to career jumps and to C-Suite roles? Head to our YouTube channel to learn more.

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The blog post was written by B.Bandhavya, the associate content creator at TIP. Bandhavya is a full-time Veterinarian doctor from Andhra Pradesh, a state in the south of India. Now that she has her graduate degree out of her way, she decided to invest her energy into rediscovering and cultivating interests that she had to put on a hold for long — writing, painting, traveling, exploring, and eating. She is currently obsessed with historical documentaries while she chills with her fur babies.



TIP Co. (The Immigrant Project)
TIP Co. (The Immigrant Project)

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